
Friday, January 21, 2011

Iglu Dorf, Hotel Made of Snow

- Iglu dorf -
Adrian Gunter, the originator of the founding of this hotel, first had the idea and the ambition to be awake and feel the warmth of the early morning sunshine and unspoiled white snow man on the tip of the iceberg. At the beginning of his expedition were armed only with a sleeping bag to rest in the first igloo he created.

     When her friends are applying to join the project and then they make some fruit over Motta Naluns igloo. So the visitors and tourists attracted to rest in this igloo. Finally, thinking that is the basis that he wanted everyone to feel the sensation of sleeping in an igloo-shaped hotel is in the year 1995/1996.

     Complex igoo first formed in Scuol in 1996/97 (three traditional igoo with capacity of 15 guests), and this continues to grow over time and business opportunities are more wide open.

     Until now they have been able to expand its business and has 7 pieces igloo complex is spread over the European region. Innovations that they develop is to create a 3D marketing system so that potential customers can feel the atmosphere inside the hotel.
- Iglu Dorf Hotel -
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Petualangan Wellington

Wellington adalah Ibu Kota Selandia Baru (dan bukan tetangganya yang lebih besar di utara, Auckland). Para Wisatawan sepakat, kota di kawasan Pasifik ini tidak boleh dilewatkan. Dengan kombinasi kosmopolitan dan atmosfer santai, mudah untuk menyukai Wellington. Berikut beberapa tips untuk perjalanan Anda ke sana.

Naik Trem ke Royal Botanic Gardens

Trem, atau cable car, adalah salah satu peninggalan sejarah kota yang masih hidup karena dukungan industri pariwisata. Jadi, hanya turis yang menaikinya, tapi saya suka mendengar denting dan dentang sepanjang perjalanan trem menuju puncak di Royal Botanic Gardens. Dari atas sana, Anda bisa melihat pemandangan Wellington yang menawan. Royal Botanic Gardens juga luas, ada sejumlah bangunan tua nan cantik di dalamnya, dan mereka benar-benar sepenuh hati menata bunga di kebun itu.

Selandia Baru punya banyak keindahan alam, Milford Sound adalah salah satu yang paling terkenal - di Unearthing Asia.

Menikmati Kopi di Kelburn

Di bagian barat Royal Botanic Gardens, ada Kelburn Village, kawasan 'paling Eropa' di Wellington. Jalan utamanya penuh dengan kafe-kafe yang nyaman, toko-toko berkarakter, penjual barang antik, dan toko roti unik. Ini adalah tempat terbaik untuk duduk berlama-lama sambil minum kopi atau menikmati makanan. Pastikan Anda juga menjelajahi The Glen (penghubung Kelburn dan Royal Gardens) untuk melihat pohon-pohon Pohutakawa tua dekat gereja Saint Michael.

Dunedin di Selandia Baru adalah kota lain yang kuat rasa Eropanya, khususnya Skotlandia - di Unearthing Asia.

Kembali ke Masa Lalu di Karori Sanctuary Trust

Anda tidak akan merasa masih berada di Wellington ketika memasuki situs Karori Sanctuary Yayasan Karori Sanctuary, di laman situsnya, menyatakan bahwa, "(mereka) Mengembalikan sepojok Selandia Baru seautentik mungkin seperti saat belum ada manusia." Banyak yang berpendapat mereka telah melakukan pekerjaan itu dengan baik! Area itu tertutup, terdapat sebuah pulau utama di tengah; tanaman langka dan hewan pun terlindung di dalamnya. Bahkan jika Anda melakukan tur rombongan ke sana, tempat itu masih terasa sangat damai dengan suasana pedesaan yang kental, meski berada di kota.

Hiburan di Te Papa

Te Papa adalah museum nasional Wellington dengan spektrum pameran yang sangat luas, sehingga sukar disebut satu per satu. Pada hari tertentu, Anda dapat mempelajari tentang kekuatan geologis yang membentuk pulau, atau Anda bisa mempelajari tradisi berbahasa penduduk pertama Selandia Baru, menjelajahi toko barang bekas, dan tentang seni. Jika Anda berpergian bersama anak-anak, maka Anda harus mampir ke sini.

Anak-anak juga akan senang mengeksplorasi Thermal Wonderland Wai-o-Tapu di Rotoroa - di Unearthing Asia.

Naik Ferry ke Pulau Matiu-Somes

Sebuah pulau bekas kamp tahanan dan zona karantina mungkin tidak akan menjadi pilihan objek wisata, tapi Matiu-Somes di Wellington Harbour layak dikunjungi. Anda bisa naik ferry dari Queen's Wharf, tapi pastikan dulu dengan kru kapal, mintalah ke mereka untuk berhenti di sana. Pulau itu adalah tempat yang tepat untuk berjalan-jalan dan menjelajah, tapi Anda harus tahu betul jam berapa ferry akan datang menjemput - Anda pasti tidak ingin menghabiskan malam di pulau ini, kan?

Tempat Lain Melihat Panorama

Saya sempat menyebut tentang pemandangan dari Kelburn atau trem, tapi ada beberapa tempat lain yang bisa dikunjungi jika Anda punya waktu tersisa:

Mount Victoria - mungkin titik panorama yang cukup terkenal, menawarkan sudut pandang 360 derajat. Sekitar satu jam berjalan kaki dari kota, tetapi Anda juga bisa naik bus.

Wrights Hill – Anda bisa melihat pemandangan indah sekaligus menjelajah terowongan PD II. Periksa laman situs mereka untuk mengetahui hari/jam kerja, karena tempat ini tak buka setiap saat.

Massey Memorial - monumen berbentuk unik ini adalah pemandangan tersendiri, tapi lansekap di Days Bay juga cukup indah.

Brooklyn Windmill - Saya menyukai pemandangan dari atas sini. Tapi, untuk Anda ketahui, kincir angin di Selandia Baru tidak sama seperti di Belanda, ini adalah turbin angin.

"Air Tree" The Design of City Park and Oxygen Producing Energy

In 2004, Urban Ecosystems emphasizes an innovative design, aesthetically and economically, eventually attracted the attention of Madrid Municipal Housing Corporation's Residential Innovation Office in a design competition. The theme of the competition is the Eco-design ideas Boulevard where participants were asked to design a public space open in Vallecas, a suburb of Madrid. One of the demands of competition are: increasing the level of comfort, promote social interaction among residents, as well as a system of sustainability (sustainable) on the growth of the city. Eco-Boulevard later will occupy land of 500 meters x 50 meter.Urban Ecosystems was then proposed an innovative concept that can be placed not only in Madrid, but in all parts of the world. Tree water, thus the nickname of the project, and then attract the attention of the jury and was finally completed in mid 2007.

Architects: Ecosistema Urbano – blog – Belinda Tato, Jose Luis Vallejo, Diego García-Setién
Location: Pau de Vallecas, Vial C-91, Madrid, Spain
Collaborators: Ignacio Prieto, Maria Eugenia Lacarra, David Delgado, David Benito, Jaime Eizaguirre, Patricia Lucas, Ana López, Asier Barredo, Laura Casas, Fabricio Pepe, Michael Moradiellos
Client: Land and Housing Municipal Company, Madrid Council, Directorate of Residential Projects Innovation
Year: Phase I 2004-2005, Phase II 2006-2007
Structure: Tectum Ingeniería, S.L. (Constantino Hurtado)
Services: IP Ingeniería
Botany: Ignacio López
Construction Inspector: Belinda Tato, Jose Luiz Vallejo, Diego García-Setién
Contractor: Grupo Entorno, S.A.
Photographs: Emilio P. Doiztua y Roland Halbe

Concept : The idea of Water Tree is simple, how to create a community space, while providing ecological benefits to the environment and easy set up anywhere. The main structure of the installation of Water Tree itself easily dismantled and moved pairs, lightweight and can be recycled. Originally the Air Tree is able to accommodate tens to hundreds of potted plants be nested, depending on how big and structure of Water Tree utamanya.Salah one function is as a means of breeding plants or tree nursery. Which if potted plants have reached a certain height, then the plants can be moved in other areas, such as the edge of the road or area in need. But in case that happened in Vallecas, Madrid, originally potted plants that will meet the Eco Boulevard that will stretch along 500 meters by 50 meters wide. It is expected that after 20 years since Air Tree structure was first established, then the Eco Boulevard has been transformed into urban forest, and beyond these structures can be moved to another location or recycled.

Special, Tree Water is expected to 'feed' themselves. Therefore on top of Water Tree is composed of solar panels capable of supplying electricity. The electric current was used as a source of energy for the pump to drain water from the bottom up, as well as for operational polyester curtains that are useful for setting humidity. And instead of not allowed, if the electricity generated by solar panels can be used for street lighting or sold to the state. The appropriate solution is implemented in Indonesia, a tropical country, who get sunshine almost evenly throughout the year.
'Miracle' Water Tree does not just stop here alone. After the first installation of Water Tree materialized in Madrid, it is evident that the temperature within the scope of the Water Tree 80-10 º C lower than the surrounding environment, such as a natural air conditioner in the middle of town. Finally he was able to function as a local lung in the community where he stood. Filter pollution and heat, that's another function Tree Water, Water Tree in the environmental cause to be comfortable and ideal for a variety of activities, ranging from just sitting around until the sport, became a public space for the community.
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