Para pemenang diambil dari pengajuan secara digital pada tiga kategori: orang (people), tempat (place) dan alam (nature) kemudian dinilai oleh tiga fotografer National Geographic.
Para juri memberi bobot yang sama pada kreativitas dan kualitas foto ketika memutuskan pemenangnya, termasuk hadiah utama kategori nature yang diberikan kepada pemenang pertama sebuah foto seekor capung.
Cipratan air pada seekor capung yang bertajuk Splashing, diambil gambarnya oleh Shikhei Goh, seorang fotografer di Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia saat keduanya terjebak dalam hujan yang tiba-tiba, telah memenangkan uang sebesar $ 10.000.
Ini digambarkan sebagai "citra macrophotography yang sangat mencolok membawanya menjadi juara dalam kategori alam bagi karena orisinalitasnya, cahaya yang indah, aksi yang langka dalam gambar close-up, serta kesempurnaan teknis," ujar juri Tim Laman kepada National Geographic, Kamis (22/12).
Dalam kategori tempat (place), sebuah foto berjudul Into the Green Zone menjadi juara pertama saat pelangi melengkung di atas samudra di Pulau Onuk, Filipina.
Untuk kategori orang (people), foto berjudul The Fjellman Family karya Izabelle Nordfjell saat seorang pemburu rusa Swedia mencari makanan bagi keluarganya menggunakan senapan, memenangkan juara pertama.
Spoiler for splashing:
SPLASHING, pemenang utama kategori alam, seekor capung kehujanan yang diambil di Pulau Batam, Kep. Riau. Keren euy
Spoiler for Pemenang Kategori Tempat:
A rainbow arches over the Philippines' Onuk Island after a rainstorm.
Photographer George Tapan "showed a perfect sense of timing and composition in the way he captured the two small human subjects in this beautiful scene, and that really made the shot," noted judge Tim Laman.
The "very moody, beautifully composed" image, called "Into the Green Zone," compellingly shows a sense of place via the dark clouds, rainbows, the spot of pink amid a palette of blues and greens, and the woman's flowing hair, said judge Amy Toensing.
Peter Essick was also captivated by the detail of the woman's hair. It only "fills a fraction of the picture's real estate, but by capturing the movement at the apex, the photographer has documented a sense of style and flair," he said.
Overall, the picture shows that "small things can sometimes make a big difference."
photo location
Onuk Island, Balabac Palawan, Philippines
Spoiler for Pemenang Kategori Orang:
With a single shot, a Sami reindeer hunter secures food for his family during the long Swedish winter.
In "The Fjellman Family," photographer Izabelle Nordfjell caught a moment that's both "real and mysterious at the same time," according to judge Amy Toensing.
Noted judge Peter Essick, "In the Sami culture, these events are repeated many times every year, even though they are never quite the same. However, by using a careful composition and skillful timing, the photographer made this one encounter with a Sami hunter memorable."
Judge Tim Laman added the picture had all the elements of a true photojournalistic image.
photo location
Arjeplog, Lappland, Sweden
Info Tambahan
ane udah liat blog-nya dia gan, memang mantep2 foto2nya tajem dan detail, kebanyakan foto yang dia ambil Hewan semua...
kalo mau liat-liat hasil jepretannya silahkan kujungin blog-nya di 500Px Taro depan ya TS kalo berkenan |
pejwan yah gan....
yang mau liat foto2 finalisnya bisa dibuka disini! keren banget oiii
yang mau liat foto2 finalisnya bisa dibuka disini! keren banget oiii
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