Walau masih berdomisili di Jerman, Jennifer bersedia membagi sebagian ceritanya kepada KapanLagi.com™ lewat bincang-bincang online. Gadis yang lahir tanggal 6 April 1987 di Muehlacker ini mengaku tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia dengan lancar, yang karenanya wawancara di lakukan dalam bahasa Inggris.
"I'm sorry but I will answer in English, because my bahasa Indonesia is not that good.. Saya belajar bahasa Indonesia," ungkapnya di awal sesi ngobrol. Ready? Here it goes!
* What do you like most?
I love Indonesia =)
* What do you hate most?
War all over the world I hate it!
* Do you like being a model?
I love my job, to take pictures and try to change your character in front of the camera.
* Beside being a model, what do you do?
I´m working also at office, because I have two jobs. I study management and controlling.
* What is your definition of 'sexy'?
In Germany it's normal to take some sexy pictures, but I know the standard in Indonesia, and there are my pictures too sexy. That's why I don't wanna take anymore sexy pictures, I already said that to my agency.
* What do you think if people call you the next Indonesian's Victoria Beckham?
Oh I think Victoria Beckham is arrogant, thats why I dont like it, because I always wanna be sweet and kind to everybody, just acting like a normal girl
* What do you want to have or reach when you are 30?
I wanna marry, have childrens and having just a lovely family.
* Prefer Facebook or Twitter?
Now I like more twitter, because my facebook account is already full and I cant accept any friends anymore =(
* What will you do when a lunatic fan terrorizes you?
Hopefully there are no peoples like that who wanna do that.
* Do you have any guilty pleasure?
I like to eat Mc Donalds! Hahaha.
* Do you have any phobia?
No I think I don't have.
* You cry when..
I cry because I miss my Baby Boo (Irfan)
* Don't you want to start a career in Indonesia?
I wanna start a career as a artist if it's possible and the people like me in Indonesia
* Why do you use JenniferBachdim as your name account on Twitter, instead of Jennifer Kurniawan? Or maybe you have married?
* Your favorite celebs?
I like Claudia Schiffer from Germany.
* Your favorite books?
I like to read books from the german writer, Petra Hammesfahr.
* Your favorite album?
Actually I like to listen to Bruno Mars.
* Your favorite movie?
Sayangnya, ketika Kapanlagi.com mulai menanyakan hubungannya dengan Irfan, gadis berpostur 165 cm/47kg ini lebih memilih untuk menyimpan hal ini rapat-rapat, sembari menjawab, "We are sorry but my man (Irfan) and I decide that we don't wanna talk about our private life anymore, because it's just important for us, how much we love each other. And now the success of Irfan is the most important thing."
Terjawab sudah siapa Jennifer Bachdim, kekasih bintang lapangan hijau yang sedang naik daun, Irfan Bachdim. So, get ready for the Indonesian star to-be, in no time! Ini dia Galery Photo Jenifer Bachdim
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